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The Society of Korean Dance Studies


Major Symposiums

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2014 10/03
The 6th The Society of Korean Dance Studies International Symposium 'Dance Festival' Cultural Discourse of Folk Song-Dance on World/Auditorium of Cheonan Museum
2014-03-29 The 20th The Society of Korean Dance Studies domestic Symposium 'Diagnosis and Prospect of Korean Traditional Dance'/Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
2013-10-03 The 5th International Symposium ‘Dance Festival-Discourse of the Human Sciences on Traditional Dance’ / Cheonan Museum
2013-08-22 The 19th Symposium by the Society of Korean Dance Studies and Research center for Arts at Kookmin University ‘Research and Prospect about Convergence Arts’ / Audio-visual room, Kookmin University
2013-07-04 The 4th International Symposium ‘Multi-dimensional Approach to Dance Arts and Culture’ / Convention Hall, Newton Place Hotel, Hong Kong
2012-07-05 International Academic Symposium for the 20th Anniversary Commemoration of Korea-China Exchanges: A Scheme for the Multi-directional Development of Dance Through Korea-China Exchanges / Capital Normal University, China
2011-10-08 The 2nd International Symposium ‘Outlook on dance studies and employment’ / Meeting Room, Korea National Sport University
2011-04-17 The 18th Symposium ‘Mythical Meaning of Korean Dance’ / Seminar Room, Daehak-ro
2010-10-25 2010 East Asian Dance Academic Symposium: A Multifactorial Outlook on East Asian Dance / College of Dance, Lianhua Road Campus, Shanghai Theatre Academy
2010-05-20 The 17th Symposium ‘Research Performance of North Korea’s Dance’ / Joint Lecture Room, Korea National Sport University
2009-06-17 The 16th Symposium ‘Dance of Each Province’ / Bldg. No. 27, Kyungsung University, Busan
2008-06-23 The 15th Symposium ‘The Dancer Who Gave Rise to a Region's Modern Dance: Awe and Hope in Modern Times’ / Suseon Hall, Sungkyunkwan University