- 1The Journal of the Society includes the research papers of unique and practical contents related to the dance performance art, the multi-origin art and the daily life art in principle.
- 2The research papers submitted for the Journal of the Society should not have been presented previously in any other journal.
- 3Writers of any submitted paper including any co-researcher should be members of the Society.
- 4The paper for the Journal should not be submitted to any other publication until the determination is finalized for the acceptance through the review in the Journal Editorial Committee.
- 5After the confirmation for the publishing, the writer(s) of the paper should submit the Pledge on Research Ethics with own signature.
- 6The Journal of the Society shall be produced as a book.
- 7The deadlines for the paper submission shall be March 15, July 15 and November 15 in each year.
- 8The Journal of the Society shall be published yearly three times (April, August and December) in principal.