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The Society of Korean Dance Studies



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Research Papers
1.An author of paper shall comply with the following structure:
  • 1)The draft should be written in more or less of 25 pages of the format set by the Society by using the word processor Hangeul 2007 or higher version and submitted through the Society’s web site./span>
  • 2) The paper shall be composed in the order of the title (the study title and writer), abstract in Korean, keywords, main body, references, abstract in English and keywords in English./span>
  • 3) Portions of the abstracts in Korean or English shall be placed on the first page of the editorial format without blanks.
  • 4) The title area, that is the first page of paper, shall be composed in the order of the study title, the name of researcher and the organization of researcher. The entire structure of paper is as followings:
    • Study title (Korean)
    • Author (Organization) (Korean)
    • Body of abstract (Korean)
    • Keywords
    • Corresponding writer’s E-mail:
    • Introduction
    • Methodology
    • Conclusion (conclusion and discussion)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion (conclusion and proposal)
    • References (Korean)
    • References (English)
    • Abstract (English)
    • Keywords (English)
      ※ The specification of the organization of researcher
      Single research : Yoon Deok-gyeong (Seowon University)
      Joint research : Yoon Deok-gyeong (Seowon University) and Kim Mi-suk (Gyeongsang University)
  • 5) The study’s subtitles shall be specified in serial numbers such as “Ⅰ, 1, 1), (1), and ①”
  • 6) The keywords specify 2-5 important words of the study. English keywords shall be typed in lower cases while proper nouns may start with the upper case.
  • 7) The theoretical background (or the related research) shall be simply outlined and included in the introduction part.
  • 8)The corresponding writer’s e-mail shall be specified at the bottom of the first page.
2.The paper format is the horizontal writing in Korea. However, if Chinese characters and/or any foreign language should be used, the specification is made by using ( ).
3.However, in case of a literature research, the formats shall include introduction, conclusion and proposal parts, and the structure of remaining parts may be selected properly according to the study agenda and the characteristics of method.
Figures and Tables
1.Each figure shall be clearly written and attached to be available for the direct use for printing. In case of attaching a photo, black and white film is preferred for the submission.
2.In case of specifying numbers of tables or figures in the main body, use parentheses as
< Table 1 > or < Figure 1 > . On the table and the figure, specify without any parenthesis as Table 1 or Figure 1.
3.All tables must be written only with horizontal lines. However, if a special meaning should be presented, vertical lines can be used.
4.The title of a table should be at the top left of the table. The title of a figure should be at the bottom center of the figure.
5.In case of a data using any reference of table or figure, the reference format shall be presented at the bottom of the table or figure.
Mathematic and the Statistics Symbols
1.Since all raw data used in any study are preserved for at least three years after the paper’s publishing in the general custom, the study data submitted in the Society shall be preserved for at least three years.
2. If a statistic or mathematic formula is new or is absolutely required, the description may be presented in the main body. For any statistic formula generally used, no description is required in the main body.
3. On presenting any statistic value, the statistic value symbol, the degree of freedom (df) and the significance level shall be presented together and no 0 in front of the decimal point of the significance level is used (p=.01).
4. The statistic symbol and abbreviation shall follow the criteria of the following table. Other statistic symbol and abbreviation shall refer to the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (5th Ed. 141-144).
Abbreviation, Symbol  Definition  Remarks (LetterStyle)
MANOVA Multivariate analysis of variance Block Letters
ANOVA Analysis of variance (Univariate)
df Degree of freedom Italic
f Frequency
Fisher's ratio
Ho  Null hypothesis under test
H1  Alternative hypothesis
Mdn  Median
MS Mean square
n Number of subsample
Total number in a sample
ns  Nonsignificant
Percentage, percentile
Pearson product-moment correlation
R2  Multiple correlation squared
SD  Standard deviation
SE  Standard error (of measurement)
SEM  Structural equation model Block Letters
SS  Sum of square Italic
Abscissa  Italic
A standard score
SS  Sum of square
α  Alpha/probability of type Ⅰ error, Cronbach's internal consistency reliability Block Letters
β  Beta/probability of type Ⅱ error, standardized multiple regression coefficient
X2  Computed value of a chi-square test
5. Numerical formulas and units should be written according to the following rules:
Correct Wrong
12 cm 12cm
8 m 8 M
10μm 10μm 10μ
22 g 22g
51 kg 51kg 51Kg 51kgs
36 ml 36mL 36 ml.
20 L 20l 20.0 l 20.0L
12.5 hr 12.5hr 12.5hrs
3.8 min 3.8min 3.8mins
10 sec 10 sec. 10 s
30 mm/min 30mm/min
25 m/sec 25m/sec
25〫℃ 30℃
pH 6.0 PH 6.0 pH6.0
15 MPa

(mega pascal)

15 mPa 15 Mpa
15% 15 %
28%(w/v) 28 %(w/v) 28 %(W/V)
0.14 mg% 0.14mg% 0.14 mg %
20 ppm 20ppm 20PPM
1×10-3 M 1×10-3M
0.5-0.8 g 0.5~0.8 g
0.5 - 0.8 g
Numerical Formula
0.001 .001
(a+b)/(c+d) a+b/c+d
Literature Citation
1. In case of quoting any literature in the main body, for Korean literatures, the complete name including the family name, for overseas literatures, only the family name should be specified with the publishing year and the page number in parentheses.
2. On such quotation, writer, year and page number shall be specified in the main body while the complete source information is presented in the references. However, if the writer is an organization, the complete name of organization shall be presented on the first quotation, then, the abbreviation of organization name is specified in following quotations.
3. The foot note shall not be used. The short quotation (of 40 words or less) shall be included in the main body and indicated with the direct quotation marks “ “. The quotation of 40 words or more shall be indicated separately from the main body and the quotation marks are omitted. One-line gap should be placed at each of the top and the bottom of sentence while two-letter spaced indentation is applied on each side of left and right.
4. However, in case of the literature study, the foot note can be used if necessary.
5. If the number of writer is one or two, the full name(s) of writer(s) should be specified on every quotation.

Yoon Deok-gyeong and Im Hyeonseon (2006) are ............
Harter and Duda (2003) are ............

6. If the number of writer is three or more, the writers’ full names are specified on the first quotation only. On repeated quotations, the name of first researcher is specified and “et al.” is added. If the number of writer is six or more, “et al.” is specified from the first quotation.

Yoon Deokgyeong, Im Hyeonseon and Baek Hyeonsun (2002) state that the traditional dance is.......... the first quotation
Yoon Deokgyeong et al. (2002) state that the traditional dance is............ the repeated quotation
Harter, Duda, Smith and Wang (2003) state that the aesthetic experience is .......... the first quotation
Harter et al. (2003) state that the aesthetic experience is ............. the repeated quotation

7. In case of referencing studies by two or more writers with the same family name in the same year, specify each name with the full family name and the first letter of personal name, but for Korean writers, specify the full names.

........... aesthetic experience (Harter, S. 2003; Harter, N. 2003), ............

8.The duplicated quotation of the same writer shall be specified in the order of year by separation with “.”. In this case, the name of writer shall not be repeated for each paper.

Koran Literatures: (Yoon Deokgyeong, 2001, 2002).
English Literatures: (Harter, 2001, 2002).

9. For two or more studies in the same year by the same writer, the year is specified and then numbered by a, b and c or others, but, the name of writer is not repeated.

Koran Literatures: (Yoon Deokgyeong, 2001a, 2001b)
English Literatures: (Harter, 2001a, 2001b)

10.If works of different writers are quoted in the same content of the main body, Korean writers shall be listed in the Korean alphabet order followed by foreign writers in the alphabetical order by separating using ‘;’ in the parentheses.

......... researches on the aesthetic characteristics of work (Baek Hyeonsun, 2001; Yoon Deokgyeong, 2001; Im Hyeonseon, 2003; Harter, 2001; Immes, 1999; Roberts, 2003) .........

11.If the number of writer is six or more, for Koreans, the full name of the first writer and et al., or for foreigners, the family name and et al. are specified followed by the year. The name of every writer shall be specified in references.

Yoon Deokgyeong et al. (2001), in the research on Joseon Dynasty’s court party, .... both of the first quotation and the repeated quotation
Harter et al. (2001), in the research on the aesthetic characteristics of dance, .... both of the first quotation and the repeated quotation

The References
1The reference is composed of the Korean literatures first listed in the order of Korean alphabet and the foreign literature in the order of English alphabet. The detailed rule for the writing is as followings:
  • 1)References for the periodical publication
    • The writer, year of publication, study title, name of journal, number of volume and the page of journal are specified.
    • Regardless of the number of writers, the family name is indicated first followed by the initial of personal name.
    • In case of two or more writers, ‘&’ symbol is used at the front of the final writer.
    • For the Korean reference, ‘&’ symbol is not used at the front of the final writer.
    • Upper case letters are used for the first word of title or subtitle and the proper nouns. However, “ : ” is marked between the title and the subtitle.
    • For the specification of English references, the blank imbalance between the words unavoidable for ‘full justification’ can be adjusted adequately by cutting-off.
    • The name of journal shall be written by using both upper and lower cases. The name of journal and the volume number are specified in the bold style (Human Gothic Font) for Korean journals, and the italic style for English literatures.
    [Journal written by one author]
    Yoon Deok-gyeong (2000). Research on Korean Dance. The Journal of Korean Dance, Vol. 23, No. 1, 23-53.
    Bonbright, T. M. (1999). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review, 100(6).
    [Journal written by two authors]
    Yoon Deok-gyeong, Im Hyeonseon (2002). Aesthetic characteristics of Korean Dance. Korean Dance Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, 56-89.
    Bonbright, T. M., & McGreevy-Nichols, S. (1999). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review, 100(6).
    [Journal written by more than five authors]
    Bonbright, T. M., Harter, S., Lim, K., Roberts, P., Wang, K., McGreevy-Nichols, S., et al. (1999). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review, 100(6).
    [Research papers scheduled for publication following review]
    Bonbright, T. M., & Harter, S. (in press). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review.
    [Magazine articles]
    Bonbright, T. M., & Harter, S. (1999, May 10). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review, 100(6).
    [Newspaper articles]
    Yoon Deok-gyeong (Feb. 20, 2003). Transformation of Korean traditional dance. Hankook-ilbo, , A15, A16.
    NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field (2002, May 12). New York Times, p. A12.
    [Abstract book]
    Bonbright, T. M., & Harter, S. (1999). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field [Abstract]. Arts Education Society Abstracts, 27, 32.
    [Journal supplement]
    Bonbright, T. M., & Harter, S. (1999). NAEP and dance: On contextual data process, and problems in dance assessment, and recommendations for the field. Arts Education Policy Review, 100(Suppl. 3).
  • 2)References specification in a book
    • The writer, the year of publishing, the book title, the printed location: the publisher
    • The book title shall be specified with Human Gothic print type for Koran Literatures, or in the italic style for English Literatures. Only nouns or pronouns are expressed in upper case characters for the book title.
    • If the book is printed by more than one edition, the edition number is specified after the book title.
    • Colon (:) is inserted between the printed location and the publisher.
    Yoon Deok-gyeong, Kim Misuk (2005)."Introduction to Korean Dance. Seoul: Hakmun Publishing.
    Judith, A. G. (1989). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
    Yoon Deok-gyeong & Kim Misuk (Eds.) (2005). ntroduction to Korean Dance.Seoul: Hakmun Publishing.
    Judith, A. G. (Ed.). (1989). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
    [Books without a specified author/editor]
    Introduction to Korean Dance. (2005). Seoul: Hakmun Publishing.
    Dance Instruction Science. (2003). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
    [Chapters from an authored/compiled book or research papers]
    Judith, A. G. (1989). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. In K. Roberts & G. Duda (Eds.), Handbook of performance studies (pp. 23-45). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • 3)Reports
    Yoon Deok-gyeong (2003).Evolution of Traditional Korean Dance. Seoul: The Society of Korean Dance Studies.
    National Center for Dance (2003). History of ancient dances (HAD No. 2003-10). New York: Lincoln Performing Arts Center.
  • 4)Academic conference and symposium data
    [Published books]
    Yoon Deok-gyeong (2005). Methodology on the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Koran Dance.The Society of Korean Dance Studies, The 22nd Fall Seminar, 22-37, Seoul: The Society of Korean Dance Studies.
    Judith, A. G. (1989). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. In R. Roberts (Ed.), New York Symposium on Cultural Heritage (pp. 12-28). New York: Prentice Hall.
    [Poster Presentation]
    Judith, A. G. (1989, April). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Dance Heritage, New York.
  • 5)References for Master’s or Doctor’s thesis
    • In the domestic or overseas academic thesis, the specification shall be made in the order of the writer, year, thesis title, graduate school’s name and the master’s (doctor’s) thesis.
    • For the academic thesis collected from the collection of the abstracts of international academic thesis, the specification shall be as following:
    • [Thesis abstract book]
      Carter, P. E. (1998). Language arts curriculum development for Barbados: a new approach. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 231A. (UMI No. 9815935)
      Yoon Deok-gyeong (1995). A Kinesic Research on Expressions in Creative Korean Dance: Konkuk University Dissertation
      Carter, P. E. (1998). Language arts curriculum development for Barbados: a new approach. Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University.
  • 6)Electronic Documents
    [Electronic Journal]
    Judith, A. G. (1989, April 17). Dance instruction: Science applied to the art of movement. Traditional Arts, 3, Article 002a. Retrieved May 20, 1989, from pre00311.html.
    [Web site]
    Dance Instruction Society 2002, Task Force on Adolescent Issues. (n.d.) Who applied to the art of movement?
    Retrieved April 5, 2002, from
  • 7) Abbreviations allowed to be used in references
    Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form
    Chap. chapter p.(pp.) page(pages)
    ed. edition vol. Volume
    Rev. ed. revised edition vols. volumes
    2nd ed. second edition No. Number
    Ed.(Eds.) Editor(Editors) Pt. Part
    Trans. Translator(s) Suppl. Supplement
    n.d. no date
Format (Hangeul 2007)
Font (English) Line spacing (%) Letter spacing (%) Size (gp) Space between lines Indentation Align
Body Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10 167 10pt
Title Human Myeongjo 95 -5 18 160   Center
Sub-title Human Myeongjo 95 -5 12 147   Center
Name Sinmyeong Jung-gothic 95 -5 10.5 150   Right
Organization Sinmyeong Jung-gothic 95 -5 10.5 150   Right
English Title Human Myeongjo 95 -5 15 113   Center
English Sub-title Human Myeongjo 95 -5 15 113   Center
English Name Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10.7 167   Right
Organization (English) Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10.7 167   Right
Abstract (Korean) Sinmyeong Taemyeongjo 95 -5 10 189   Center
Body of Abstract (Korean) Sinmyeong Jung-gothic 95 -5 8.5 150    
Abstract Human Myeongjo 95 -5 13 113   Center
Body of Abstract (English) Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10 140    
Key words Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10 140    
Chapter Title (Introduction) Human Myeongjo 95 -5 14 126   Center
1. Title Human Gothic 95 -5 11 167   Left
1) Title Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10.7 161    
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Body of Table Human Myeongjo 95 -5 8 130    
Figure Caption   95 -5 9 140   Center
References Human Myeongjo 95 -5 14 167   Center
Content of References Human Myeongjo 95 -5 10 167 30pt  
1) Paper size (width × height): 135mm × 210mm
2) Margins : 12mm (top), 18mm (bottom), 15mm (left, right), 12mm (header), 0 (footer)
3) Text dimensions (width × height): 105mm × 168mm